5 Key Takeaways from Our Retrofit Surgery: Installation and Handover

In our final Retrofit Surgery, we dived into the key stages of Installation and Handover in the retrofit process. Through shared insights and practical advice, we unpacked the importance of understanding the dwelling, resident engagement, installation sequencing, quality assurance, and resident familiarity with Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs).

This blog post clarifies the top 5 key takeaways from our final session.

Understand the Dwelling: 

The more knowledge you have about the existing structure, services, ventilation, potential risks, and constraints, the smoother the retrofit process will be. You can establish a comprehensive picture of the dwelling using pre-survey data and Post Installation Building Integrity (PIBI) information, allowing you to plan effectively and avoid unforeseen issues during installation. Equally important is to communicate this information effectively to the team, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Engage with the Resident from the Onset: 

Engagement with residents from the beginning of the retrofit process is fundamental to ensuring a successful retrofit project. A lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings, multiple callbacks, and delays that can strain the relationship between residents and the retrofit team. Therefore, we must highlight the need for effective and regular communication. We must ensure that residents are informed about the process and progress and feel listened to and valued.

Check Quality: 

Quality assurance (QA) is essential during the installation phase of any retrofit project. This means regular checks on work done by the Retrofit Coordinator and the installer. The installer’s constant presence on site gives them a unique perspective to observe details that could potentially be overlooked. Checking quality throughout the installation process, not just at the end, helps to prevent and rectify issues early, saving time and resources.

Install in the Identified Sequence: 

A critical part of the successful retrofit installation is adhering to the identified sequence of works. The order in which elements are installed can significantly impact the project’s overall success. For example, neglecting to ensure adequate ventilation before installing insulation can lead to problems. Similarly, replacing rainwater goods or installing sills before External Wall Insulation (EWI) can cause complications. Therefore, a well-planned and executed installation sequence is a must for any retrofit project.

Ensure Residents are familiarised with Energy Efficiency Measures (EEM’s): 

Our final takeaway from our Retrofit Surgery is ensuring that residents understand the benefits of the Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) installed in their homes. By helping residents understand what these measures do and how they benefit them, we build trust and satisfaction and increase the likelihood that these measures will be used correctly. Familiarising residents with the benefits and usage of the installed EEM’s ensures the long-term success of the retrofit process.

Have your say on future Retrofit Surgeries

As we finish up this series of Retrofit Surgeries, we welcome your thoughts on future Retrofit Surgery topics. Please email us with your ideas and feedback.

Image: Call to action, watch installation and handover video