5 Key Takeaways from Our Retrofit Surgery: Retrofit Coordination

Last week, we hosted a successful Retrofit Surgery Lunch & Learn event, with 60 people attending to discover the latest best practices in Retrofit Coordination. 

The event provided valuable insights and sparked interesting discussions amongst the attendees, which was a testament to the growing interest in this field. 

We share the top 5 key takeaways from the event, highlighting the essential aspects of successful retrofit coordination.

The Importance of a Medium Term Improvement Plan (MTIP):

A well-designed, well-thought-out Medium Term Improvement Plan (MTIP) should form the basis of all retrofit projects. It is crucial to their ongoing success and should be adaptable as the project progresses. The MTIP ensures that all stakeholders are on the same page and that the retrofit process remains on track, even when unexpected challenges arise.

Conducting Thorough Improvement Option Evaluations (IOE):

Improvement Option Evaluations (IOE) should include all appropriate viable energy-efficient measures and be supported by accurate data to confirm their effectiveness. This thorough evaluation ensures that each retrofit project selects the most suitable and cost-effective solutions, maximising energy savings and return on investment.

The Role of Descriptive Assessments and Resident Engagement:

A detailed descriptive assessment, combined with resident engagement at an early stage, will help produce more accurate and beneficial MTPs and IOEs. By involving residents in the decision-making process and considering their feedback, retrofit projects can be tailored to meet the specific needs and expectations of those who will ultimately benefit from them.

A Clear Pathway to Net Zero:

Both the IOE and MTIP documents should be developed with a clear pathway to Net Zero. This approach ensures that retrofit projects contribute effectively to reducing carbon emissions and meeting the UK’s climate targets. Retrofit projects can significantly impact our environment by prioritising energy efficiency and sustainability in planning.

The Role of the Retrofit Coordinator:

Ultimately, the Retrofit Coordinator takes overall responsibility for the entire project:

” a person qualified as a specialist retrofit project manager, taking overall responsibility for overseeing the assessment of dwellings, the identification, specification and evaluation of energy efficiency measure for installation at a given dwelling as a single project, and their subsequent monitoring and evaluation.”

Image: Call to action, watch video on retrofit coordination