New PAS2035 Projects with City Leap, Faithful & Gould and Manchester City Council

City Leap Partnership

We are pleased to announce that we have started a new PAS2035 retrofit project with City Leap for 112 Easiform homes. This initiative champions energy efficiency, redefining the potential of these properties.

VOR will carry out a comprehensive retrofit assessment, coordination, and design project for the homes constructed using the Easiform building system. The Easiform construction method, while a significant part of Britain’s architectural past, presents unique challenges for modern standards. Our project is committed to transforming these homes and enhancing their performance using the PAS2035 framework to meet future sustainability requirements.

Our team will assess various energy efficiency measures (EEMs) to significantly reduce carbon emissions and manage energy costs for the tenants.

Image: City Lead, Faithfull & Gould and Manchester City Council logo

Faithful & Gould and Manchester City Council Collaboration

Further enhancing our project portfolio, we are delighted to start work on another PAS2035 project with Faithful & Gould and Manchester City Council. 

VOR will deliver their SHDF Wave 2 retrofit assessment, coordination and design support for the PAS2035 retrofit for the Monsall High Rise Project in Manchester. 

This project entails a ‘fabric first’ retrofit for three high-rise blocks, an approach prioritising insulation and air tightness enhancements.

Img: Manchester high rise retrofit PAS2035 project

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