Sunak’s Net Zero Policy Shifts – A Step Backwards

Add your support to the UKGBC’s efforts to speak out against the roll-back of green policies.

The recent announcement by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to roll back key green targets and postpone the UK’s net zero goals is hugely concerning for those of us at VOR Group who are committed to supporting the transition to net zero. We are supporting the UKGBC’s campaign against this rolling back of green policy.

Image: Sunahs Net Zero Policy Shify - a step backwards. Green background with text.

The main changes are phasing out gas boilers, improving rental homes, and the petrol and diesel vehicles deadline. This short-term thinking sends the wrong message and could slow momentum. Grants for heat pumps have been expanded and the Great British Insulation scheme introduced, but this alone isn’t going to going to tackle the huge uphill battle we face. More emphasis needs to be put on a holistic, fabric first approach. 

There is concern that shutting down the Net Zero Task Force means reduced oversight and potential changes to crucial efficiency schemes. We need coordination between government, business, and delivery bodies to meet climate goals.

Delaying deadlines risks hurting business confidence. A clear, consistent climate policy is essential to keep us on track. We remain committed to compliant retrofit solutions despite policy uncertainty. However the government must provide leadership with a long-term vision for emissions reductions.

The opposition argues the UK is watering down commitments while other nations move forward. Climate action requires political consensus, not point-scoring. We hope all sides work together to accelerate the transition to net zero buildings, transport, and beyond.

Have your say:

The industry needs to speak out against this rolling back of green policy, we are supporting the UKGBC in their open letter sign calling for the investment and policies needed to make upgrading Britain’s homes affordable. For ore information and to add your organisation’s support, sign the UKGBC’s letter here.