Retrofit of Historic Buildings: A VOR Group Perspective

In the UK, nearly a quarter of all homes, around 6.2 million properties, were constructed before 1919, and almost a third of commercial properties, totalling approximately 600,000, are categorised as historical sites. These buildings have historical and cultural value and are among the most energy-inefficient, contributing to the UK’s carbon emissions.

We recognise the critical need for a sustainable approach to preserving these structures. Our dedication to retrofitting historic buildings ensures they can meet environmental standards while retaining their unique character. Following the guidelines of PAS 2035 and PAS 2038, our retrofit solutions respect each building’s historical significance while steering them towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Image: Text saying "Retrofit of Historic and Heritage Buildings, A VOR Group Perspective

Why Undertake a Heritage Retrofit?

Historic buildings often face challenges with energy efficiency and functionality. With retrofit, they avoid becoming economically demanding, environmentally untenable, and potentially obsolete.

A heritage retrofit presents a sustainable avenue for the preservation of these landmarks. It involves a thoughtful update to the building’s fabric and systems to reduce energy use, enhance occupant comfort, and prolong the building’s life.

Historic buildings can confidently stride into the future with the right retrofit approach, preserving their legacy while embracing modern sustainability standards.

Our Methodology: Aligned with PAS 2035 and PAS 2038

We follow the PAS 2035 and PAS 2038 frameworks for the heritage retrofit of historic buildings. These standards ensure our retrofit projects are executed with a balance between energy efficiency enhancement and heritage preservation.

For Residential Retrofit (PAS 2035):

We start with assessing the building’s present state and historical value. This step shapes our retrofit strategy, guaranteeing that any interventions respect the building’s character. Our Retrofit Coordinators, Assessors, and Designers collaborate to create a retrofit solution that elevates the building’s energy performance—such as enhanced insulation and improved air tightness—while maintaining its architectural integrity.

For Commercial Retrofit (PAS 2038):

This approach, though similar, is slightly different to meet the distinct demands of commercial buildings. Our focus sharpens on the operational needs of the building and its occupants. The proposed retrofit solutions aim to boost energy efficiency and improve the comfort of the historic building.

Choosing VOR Group for Your Heritage Retrofit Project

Here’s why partnering with us ensures a balance between past preservation and future readiness:

  • Historical Building Expertise: We have heritage design specialists with backgrounds in Sustainable Building Conservation and experience working on Built Heritage projects in the public sector.
  • PAS 2035 and PAS 2038: compliant retrofit solutions
  • Customised Solutions: Recognising the uniqueness of each building, we ensure our retrofit solutions are tailored to meet specific heritage and efficiency goals.
  • Sustainability at the Core: Our commitment to sustainability drives us to minimise the environmental footprint of buildings, targeting lower energy consumption, reduced carbon emissions, and sustainable resource use.
  • End-to-End Service: From the initial assessment to project completion, we provide all services to support you at every retrofit phase.

By choosing VOR Group, you’re partnering with a team that offers compliant retrofit solutions that improve lives, increase value and future-proof our built environment while preserving the building’s historic fabric.

Brookfield School Pilot to Set New Standard for School Retrofits